
We all know Australians are sports mad, but a downside of this is we see too many broken and missing teeth from sports, even those considered to be non-contact. We are passionate about prevention and would rather help you protect your teeth than go through the pain and expense associated with a knocked out tooth; hence, we offer custom-fitted mouthguards so you can focus on playing without any worries.

What is a mouthguard?

A mouthguard is a clear or coloured plastic device that fits over your teeth to protect them from any type of impact. If you or your child plays sport, a mouthguard may be a compulsory requirement before stepping up to play.

If a mouthguard is not compulsory, you should still consider whether the use of one would be in the best interests of you and your family’s health and safety.



Who needs a mouthguard?

Mouthguards are typically required when playing contact sports such as football, hockey, soccer, basketball, boxing, and lacrosse. However, experts are now suggesting that mouthguards be worn even by athletes playing non-contact sports such as tennis and gymnastics. This is because playing sports puts you at a higher risk of damaging your teeth. Whether another player hits you, you fall, or a ball or piece of equipment hits you in the face, just one small accident can cause major tooth damage or even knock out one or more teeth. Using a mouthguard can prevent these types of injuries.

Types of mouthguards

There are several types of mouthguards available on the market today, including:

  • boil-and-bite
  • ready-made
  • custom-made

Boil-and-bite mouthguards are the cheapest style available. They can be found in chemists or sporting goods stores and they only take a few minutes to form. The ready-made types are ready to be used as soon as you purchase them, but may need to be cut to fit your mouth size. Both styles of mouthguard can be extremely uncomfortable to wear and often players will discard them during play.

Custom-fitted mouthguards

Custom-made mouthguards offer the most comfort and protection because we mould them to fit the specific contours of your mouth.

The safety provided by custom-fitted guards precisely made for a player’s unique mouth is superior to any off-the-shelf sports mouthguard.

Mouthguard care

Mouthguards are prone to collect dirt and bacteria if not cleaned properly. It is important that you thoroughly wash your mouthguard after each use. Rinse it with cold water. You can also use a toothbrush and toothpaste or rinse with mouthwash on a regular basis.

Dental Examination

Dental Examination



Dental hygiene

Dental Hygiene

Facial Injectables